Waste Tanks:
The best and most expensive waste tanks have resistance to bombs and explosions.
770-liter tank
German designs that comply with European standards.
Garbage containers made of hot galvanized sheet is available And all the vessels of dimensions including height, distance, high leverage, and are driven wheels, as well as product quality is in accordance with world standards.
Among the advantages is its antibacterial galvanized tanks The specificity of the problem of the accumulation of bacteria and therefore eliminate the smell of wet waste.
Another advantage is that it is fire galvanized tanks While maintaining safety against fire risk and environmental pollution, eliminates the need for replacing of reservoirs.
One of the problems that already exist in the bins breaking the handle when emptying the waste tank waste has been collected by the machine.
To resolve this problem in the area around the reservoir handles, arms engineers with detailed calculations have been The strength of the handle guarantees against any shock and pressure.
In each of the two longitudinal face two guards fitted tank, which provides the possibility of discarding the waste from both sides.
Due to the curvature of the tanks intended to carry easily in the bottom of the tank Its proper perspective and people can easily carry it controls.
Due to the curvature of the lower reservoir intended for dealing with objects, not the tank and not the body will not be damaged.
The tanks have the highest coefficient of adhesion to the ground and under no circumstances is not overturned.
Connect the wheels to the tank such that the elastic sheet used d almost hit the act somewhat like shock and serious injuries can be prevented.
Wheel mechanism outside of the tank space and provides interchangeable wheels from the outside.
The mechanism of action shock absorbers and front wheels for trauma to the body of the tank.
Functionality is also provided with a lid.