shahrazingolchin Products :

Park fitness equipment

Product specifications
model number
strengthening the upper pats of the shoulder and chest and besides mprove the operation of heart iungs chest flank the hand hold move your body to the left and right
abdomen machine
strengthening and increasing the flexibility of abdomen and back muscles
fixed bicycle
stable boat
a rise in the height vertically strengthening the rm and moving all partsof the body .
high jump : stand beneath the machine rase your hands up annd then bend your knees and jump upward and try to touch the balls
shoulder press :suitable for strengthening muscles of underam back muscles string thinning arms and the fast flow of blood and oxygen sit in back of the machine an take the hand holds.
riding:strengthening cardiopulmonary activates strengthening mussels of waist abdomen and back and increasingly baleen in all four organs .suitable for bending and stranining of wrist elbow and boday joints
back &forward step
moving relaxation :
iproving and raising he circulariy blood system and speeding up the blood transaction in the body.
underarm standing :
strengthening the muscles of arm and foram and wrists a raise in height and gaining mare oxygen and string thing muscles of the chest.
hang handing :
strengthening the muscles of arm and foram and wrists a raise in height and gaining mare oxygen and string thing muscles of the chest.
fixed relaxation:streng thinning the set of muscular abdomen muscles as well
tight sides (penduium)
strengthening the upper of the shoulder and besides improve the operation of heart ،lungs chest flank the hand hold move your body to the left and right suitaqble for all ages.
massager :
strengthening the waist and dredging blood vessels.
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