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What are the natural methods to remove the toilet bowl pollution?!

Normally, the bathroom is one of the parts that needs disinfection and cleaning more than everywhere else in the house or workplace, etc., and is customarily full of germs. There are many cleansers and detergents that can be used to clean toilet bowls, but sometimes they do not effectively remove the grime. In these cases, the grimes are regularly brown and yellow, which are not well cleaned with detergent! The experts of Shahrazin Golchin suggest good natural methods to you to clean the toilet bowl;

How is the grime of the toilet bowl made?!

Experts believe that the cause of the grime in the bathroom is the accumulation of calcium and minerals in the water, and the reason for their yellow and brown color is the connection of these materials with bacteria and germs. Currently, it is advised to use natural materials to fully remove the grime and stain of the toilet bowl despite the many detergents and chemical products to remove these types of stains for the sake of maintaining your health and the environment;

Materials that are suggested to remove the grime and stain of the toilet bowl;

*** A mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and lemon:

Baking soda is one of the detergents to clean the toilet bowls. This means that you can use a mixture of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and lemon to clean the toilet pollutants and grime because these materials have antiseptic properties. Thus, you first need a second glass of baking soda with two tablespoons of Hydrogen peroxide and sour lemon.

First, mix the baking soda in a bowl with the lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide to produce a uniform dough. (you can use water to soften the paste.)

Then, pour the paste on the toilet bowl in the next step and spread it on all surfaces with a clean brush or sponge to remove the pollution and grime of the toilet bowl. Wash well after 20 minutes.

*** Combining white vinegar and baking soda

White vinegar is another natural solution and cleanser for toilet bowl pollution and grime, which is relatively proper for removing toilet grimes and pollutions. In fact, yellow spots and unpleasant odors can be totally eliminated by combining vinegar and baking soda. First, you need 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.

In a suitable bowl, combine the baking soda with the vinegar, and a thick paste is formed quickly after the boiling has reduced. Then, put the paste on a brush or sponge and spread it on the areas that have yellow and brown spots, wash the toilet completely after 15 minutes.

*** Apple cider vinegar and lemon

Among the available natural components, apple cider vinegar, like a chemical solution, cleans and disinfects the toilet and eliminates the grime of the toilet bowl. Apple cider vinegar is an outstanding and antiseptic solution due to its organic acids and combination with citric acid. So, you need half of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.

First, prepare a combination of apple cider vinegar and sour lemon juice, then pour it on all the grimes of the toilet with a toilet brush. Then, wash the toilet ten minutes later.

Notice to use the mentioned methods to remove the toilet bowl grimes, once a week or every two weeks. Because using more of these substances may damage the glaze of your toilet bowl.

The voice of a consultant in Shahrazin Golchin Production Company, to propose antibacterial and anti-grime stainless steel toilet bowls, will constantly be with you: 09121268315 -02188657790

Soheila Mohammadi Niya

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